De Stijl

De Stijl

Gerrit Rietveld, Red Blue Chair, 1923. (Foundation, 2017). 

The Netherlands-based de Stijl development grasped an abstract, pared-down tasteful focused done fundamental visual components for example, geometric types Furthermore elementary shades. Mostly a response against the enlivening excesses for workmanship deco. Around the pioneering exponents about abstract art, de Stijl specialists espoused a visual dialect comprising of unequivocally rendered geometric manifestations - as a rule straight lines, squares, and rectangles--and essential shades (Foundation, 2017). 

 H. L. C. Jaffé, De Stijl, 1931. (Martinique, 2017). 

Despite the fact that de Stijl specialists made created work embodying those movement's utopian vision, their acknowledgment that this dream might have been unattainable over this present reality basically achieved the group's downfall (Foundation, 2017). This is clear in the contemporary artwork showed above. 

Sources consulted

WideWalls. (2017). De Stijl - The Modern Plastic Art Movement. [online] Available at: 
[Accessed 10 Sep. 2017].

Foundation, T. A. S., 2017. De Stijl. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 04 September]


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